If you first arrived from overseas within the time frame of your screening (usually the last 5 years), we will require documentation to show the date of your arrival.
If you were travelling for a prolonged period within the time frame of your screening (usually the last 5 years), you will need to supply documentation to verify this
What to provide if you were not working and not claiming benefits for a period of time within the time frame of your screening (usually the last 5 years)
Evidence to show you were employed if we cannot obtain an employment reference
A list of the only acceptable documents to show your proof of address
Documents required if you were self-employed within the time frame of your screening (usually the last 5 years)
Documents required if you were claiming benefits within the time frame of your screening (usually the last 5 years)
A list of the only proof of ID documents we can accept for your screening.
Evidence to show you were volunteering if we cannot obtain a reference
Evidence to show you were in full time education if we cannot obtain a reference