If a previous education provider does not respond to our reference requests or the institute no longer exists, we will require you to provide documentation to cover the education period instead, particularly if your screening type includes a highest level of education check.

A lot of high schools, colleges and universities prefer to only give references to the student directly. If you have been in education within the time frame of your screening (usually the last 5 years), it may be quickest if you contact them directly for a reference.

If it is not possible to obtain a reference, some documents we can accept instead are as follows:

  • Enrolment Letters or Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies Letters (aka CAS letters)
  • Certificates verifying course completion such as A Level certificates or Diplomas
  • Emails or letters from the school to yourself confirming enrolment, continued studies and/or graduation

Please note: We will need documentation to cover the start AND end date of your education period. A letter confirming enrolment is not sufficient to show you are still enrolled or that you completed the course.

Once your screening starts, your assigned screener will contact you and advise you of any documentation required.

Cooperation with our screening team will ensure your screening is completed quickly and efficiently, preventing any delays in starting your employment.