Some screening types require personal references to be provided. If your screening type requires this, the application form will include this section for you to complete.

Please supply the contact details for two people who can provide us with a personal reference.

The referees will be contacted to verify the information provided. Please inform them we will be contacting them and ensure the details entered are accurate.

You and the referee must have known each other for the full period of the reference request, or 2 years minimum, whichever is greater, and you must still be in regular contact.

The following must NOT provide personal references on your behalf:
- Blood relatives - this includes immediate and extended family
- Relatives by adoption or marriage - this includes immediate and extended family
- Current or ex partners and their relatives - this includes immediate and extended family
- Persons living with you at your current address
- Current Secure Checks Ltd employees
- Individuals under the age of 16 years


Please Note: If any of your referees are unsuitable or do not respond, completing your screening can be delayed which may affect your employment.