How to complete your personal details on your vetting application form
What documents you must supply in your vetting application form
Information if you are or have ever been a company director
We need to verify your SIA Licence if you have one
How to order or download your HMRC statement
Completing your highest level of education in your screening application form
Details of personal references
How to add your current address
What to do if you have not lived at your current address continuously for the duration of the time frame of your screening (usually the last 5 years)
Completing your Consent Form
This is where you will fill in your activity history for the past 5 years. This section MUST be completed correctly, just uploading your HMRC statement is NOT SUFFICIENT.
Why has my application been rejected?
A brief guide to each section of our BS7858 Application Form
How to Register for an account
A guide on the screening process and documentation required to complete your screening efficiently.